Публикации - Даниела Рангелова Германова

Списък със статии на Даниела Рангелова Германова

  1. Koumanov K. S., Staneva I. N., Kornov G.D.  and Germanova D. R. (2016) Sweet cherry fruit quality under fertigation. Acta Hotric  (ISHS) 1139, 551-558 https://www.ishs.org/ishs-article/1139_95
  2. Koumanov K. S., Matev A., Kornov G. D. and Germanova D. R. (2018) Irrigation management in perennial crops by sensing the plant water status, Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans 21(5):172-181 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331223442_Irrigation_management_in_perennial_crops_by_sensing_the_soil_water_status
  3.  Koumanov K. S., Matev A., Kornov G. D. and Germanova D. R. (2018) Irrigation management in perennial crops by sensing the soil water status, Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans 21(5):182-192 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331223284_Irrigation_management_in_perennial_crops_by_sensing_the_plant_water_status
  4.  Kornov G. D., Koumanov K. S., Staneva I. N. and Germanova D.R. (2018) State-of-the-art of walnut production and perspectives for development in Bulgaria, Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans 21(2):194-203 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/359789887_State-of-the-art_of_walnut_production_and_perspectives_for_development_in_Bulgaria
  5. Kornov G. D., Koumanov K. S., STaneva I. N. and Germanova D.R. (2018) State-of-the-art of actinidia (kiwi) production and perspectives for development in Bulgaria, Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans 21(4):249-256 https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20203001024
  6. Koumanov K. S., Staneva I. N., Kornov G.D.  and Germanova D. R (2018) Intensive sweet cherry production on dwarfing rootstocks revisited, Scientia Horticulture, vol 229, pp 193-200, IF-1,624 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304423817306817
  7. Корнов Г.Д., Куманов К.С., Станева И. Н. и Германова Д. Р. (2019), Влияние на подложката „Гизела“5 върху добива и качеството на плодовете при възрастни черешови дървета, Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans 22(4):181-191