Publications - Plamen Ivanov Ivanov

List of scientific publications


  1. Nikolova, V., Dimanov, D., Akova, V., Ivanov, P., & Dimitrov, A. (2018). Optimizing micropropagation of clonal cherry rootstock Maxma 14. Rastenievadni nauki, 55(6), 45-50 (Bg).
  2. Gandev, S., Nikolova, V., Dimanov, D., Ivanov, P. and Dimitrov, A. 2019. Propagation of a local walnut cultivar 'Izvor 10' by in vitro techniques and hot callus method. Acta Hortic. 1259, 115-120   DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1259.19