Assistant, Master, Nataliya Georgieva Dimitrova
Full Name:
Nataliya Georgieva Dimitrova
Education and specialty:
Higher Education, Agronomy (Plant of Biotechnology)
Scientific degrees and academic positions:
Assistant, PhD student
Scientific specialty and scientific field:
Plant of biotechnology;
Plant, cell and tissue culture of fruit and tree species
Knowledge of foreign languages
(In a six-point system):
English - 5
Polish - 6
Opportunities for working with modern information technologies:
Microscope, Spectrophotometer, pH meter. Working with Word, Excel, Power Point, SPSS, Internet
Long-term specializations and scientific experience abroad (from date to date, institution, country):
October 2015 to January 2016
Practice conducted in the Erasmus + on sectoral program at the West Pomeranian University of Technological in Szczecin, Poland
Total number of scientific publications
Total number of citation
Participations to scientific projects
Two participations to scientific projects
Pedagogical activity (general lesson in academic class)
30 hours of exercises in the course "Plant physiology" with II course, specialty "Farming" in Agricultural University
General occupational and general scientific experience (Institution, Position, Term - from month to year to month.):
General occupational experience – 4 years 6 months 23 days
General scientific experience – Fruit Growing Institute, assistant from 01.12.2016 to - until